Sunday, November 18


I'm the type of person that is easily to get distracted. Ugh.
Sometimes I just could only focus on one thing and eventually get distracted by nothing. [?]

Yeah, that's me. 


Saturday, November 3

Pushing myself to study.

Not a little I guess. For me it needs a lot! Haha, blame myself for just fooling around these days. I should really be studying these past days but I'm not. 

And now all I can do is PANIC! 
I should really really start now, but see... I'm still spending time on the internet. 
Hope with my last minute study I can pass the papers. Passing is more than enough for me.
 Ideas...please come. 

After the papers end, I should reward myself. Hmm, shopping of course. 
Ohh, I want to buy a lot of books I've been eyeing before. :)
I couldn't wait to go home for holidays. Gonna rest my brain this holiday. 



Friday, October 5

0610 . Our day ❤

Why it is called our day? Just because....  Because of what?  Because of that number.  What's in that number? Ours. 
What's yours? REVOLUTION 0610. 

And why is that so? 
Just because that number resembles our batch as we've been together since 2006 -2010 but not just until that, it will continue.... forever :)

That's the beauty of friendship that I know. Together in everything , ups and downs... still be together. And I'm thankful for that. For the sweetness of our bond , that's our promise.
 ''Once we're friend, forever we're friend.'' (Revolution 0610)

A promise ... WASILAH 2020. 
I won't ever forget us as it is one of the best thing that happened in my life. I hope you'll not to :)


Sunday, September 16

Ayyi's 10th

Ohyaa, 16 Sept... my annoying lil bro's birthday. Baba said that we're like twins, almost look alike but I don't really think so. Hmmm, maybe? Bha, happy birthday budak jelek!

Pssst, kirim kan sekali birthday kek utk aku. sobs ~,~


Chapter 19

I guess I don't leave strong presence enough for them to remember me, my life. And I'm thankful for those who do not forget. :')

Thanks for the wishes and loves 


After a movie, went by the sea and there's the surprise from them, dear sisters ♥   :)
*nda surprise mandi tepung etc ok, :D*

Adik 2 minggu bagi, tu pun kna tagih. Thanks Bdon.

The Saka, Sariey ♥ 
 *hadiah pling sweet haha :D *

And here I am, still little as usual. Opening new chapter so hello 19 ! :)


Thursday, August 23

Eid 2012 With REVO ♥

*entry ni penuh gambar jak, hee*

As usual, tiap tahun msti mau beraya dgn second ohana... REVO ♥
Tapi tahun ni nda ramai sangat yg join sbb ada hal lain tapi plan tetap jalan. Takut lepas ni main susah jumpa sbb semua study lain2 tempat. InsyaAllah jumpa setiap tahun lepasni waktu raya. :)

Pics credit to Meera and Mawan gak. Main ambik jak dari fb. Hehehe, sorry ya kawan2. ;D

Dorang di rumah Dayu .With Dayu's mom.

Babaw , Meera 

Lama nda jumpa Ziela, jauh duk mesir sana.

Wanca' yg buat. 

Mami ♥

Dgn budak hensem, Alif :D

First house, Ziela's .

Le twins of mine :)

At Bakar's house.

Camwhore-ing dlm kereta dorang ni. 

Mami, di rumah boss Wanca'.

Yaa, I know I'm small compared to them. Ni dua bodyguard Revo Andi & Wanca' ^^


Again, them :D

De boys. 

De girls.

Us :)

Eheee, dapat gak kereta tu tahun ni. Ohyaa, aritu bawa kereta byk jd pengalaman first...first time bawa jln besar jauh sampai nun ranggu, first time gak bawa masuk bandar. And first time jgk la bawa tanpa Baba or Umi di tepi. Hehe.... Sebelum ni pun bawa masuk kampung pun takut, jalan sempit..jd sebelum ni bawa jalan mau masuk rumah jak la. Alhamdulillah selamat jugak perjalanan hari tu biarpun byk yg first try. Hikhik. 

May our friendship last till jannah, InsyaAllah. 

"Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between friends remains ever strong"

Kbai. :)


Friday, August 3


Talking about cats....Hmmm 

Aku ni bukan jenis main dengan kucing sebab... takut ! Nda seberapa berani la gitu kot. Dan nda seberapa suka bila angkat kucing tu terasa tulang2 badan kucing tu. Errrr~
Tapi, aku suka kacau jak la...pastu lari jauh2. *orang gila* :D

Hari tu tiba2 ada 1 keluarga kucing ni bertapak depan dorm aku ni. Ibu tunggal dengan 2 ekor anak. HAHA!
Yang bikin orang geram, boleh plak dia melepak atas alas kaki depan pintu. Mana orang yg takut dengan kucing ni sakit jantung tiap kali mau keluar dorm. --"

Pastu aritu datang plak sekor lagi anak kucing. Yang sebelum ni 2 ekor tu warna coklat. Yang tiba2 muncul warna itam putih. Anak angkat kot ? Hee.

Sexy hot mama. -,-" 
Mak dia ni garang. Baru mau tengok sikit anak dia suda mengamuk. Lek ar luuu..

Haa, ni yang bikin tambah geram ni. Suka betul lepak di rak kasut. Lepak jak no problem la bro, ni habis semua kasut atas rak tu kau kasi jatuh buat apa. GRRRR!

" Kena marah lepak di rak kasut tuu, lepak sini la plak"
Pandai kau ya tukar port. Penyedok sampah pun jadilaa...

Kegiatan masa lapang. Tidur berjemaah. Disiplin sungguh gaya tidur dorang ni. 

Family picture. :D

Ni yg 'anak angkat' ni la jugak paling manja dgn mak dia. Hiihi ;D

Bhaa, sekian sahaja cerita kucing2 yg trep kiut tu. Hee. 
*point teda cerita...cakap pasal kucing la*
(=^ ^= )  <-- ni jak kucing yg aku berani.
 kucing peliharaan yg tinggal dalam blog sunyi ni.



Saturday, July 28

Me on weekends.

Exactly my weekends and holidays. 


Monday, July 16

Paintball !!!

Today, I've gain a new experience...playing the paintball game! Yeah, I got nervous and really really really afraid to try it. And I'm absolutely useless in my team. Hehe, that's because I didn't even try to move forward but I did shot two person from my position. \(^^)/ yay~ 
As for my team, the white team...we've won the first round game but unfortunately we lose at the 2nd round. But we had an extreme fun! Some of my mates got really painful looking bruises. Luckily I don't get shot on the two rounds * yeah, I was hiding all the time, that's why. Heee...*
But I think it was a loss for me as I didn't get the experienced to get shot. My games just end because on the two rounds, I've out of my pellets and my turn just end like that. *pathetic me*

So, the black team wins and they got to rule the territory which was the Pizzaland. They get pizzas ok.
But we all eat it together . :3

Of course, pics time....~

Shan, the killer. Ready to kill.

We're excited but really really nervous to play.

Looking like aliens or power rangers maybe. HAHA!

Getting ready for the game.

Syaza. ^^

Shan again, new job for her...sniper.

White team! 2nd place for us. Cheers~

Yeah, that's me and my teammates. Too frightened to move forward.

Taking pics with the gun. 
White team's girl. 

Let's call it a day. What fun and a new experience we had today! :D


Saturday, July 14

Thorn and roses

I'm attracted to this quotes as it has a deep meaning from my view  
Hmmm....  :)


Thursday, July 12

Welcome Juniors !

Semalam punya cerita, buat welcoming party...emmm, gathering la gitu utk juniors 2012 intake. Bukan apa, kira TESL punya tradition la buat gathering utk sambut juniors. So, kami yg kunun baru mau b'gelar senior setelah hampir 1 tahun jadi paling juniors *kunun*... perlu buat persembahan la utk majlis informal ni. Kira begitu laa, eh...payah mau jelaskan secara detail ni. Heee * aku ni nda pandai susun ayat , sekian*

Ok, utk group 1, kami setuju utk menari ** 
Yehuuu, we've done a dance on Hot and Cold song by Katy Perry tuuu...
Biarpun entrance agak t'spoil sbb muzik, tapi....langgar saja :D

3 bears dance ^^,

Cause you're hot and you're cold ~ 

We had fun though. Ohyeahhh!

The SJKC family performance.

SK 2 family.

Juniors pun buat p'sembahan yg sgt unexpected. Cute kot. 

Main spec with Shanshan. 

It's chilly so lets have some hot nescafe. *merepek*

Syaza pose dgn gitar :D

Yellsss dgn si Dye :)

NANA the roommates. Gojes tak. HAHA :)

Tengokla gaya kami, juniors punya event kami yg b'gambar lebih. Hahahaha! Well, ada aku kesah :P *peace^^V
Credits to Nana for the pics. Guna gambar2 yg kau snap ye Nana....hehe. Sebelum aku merepek lebih, chow luk. KBAI !

Pssst ~ ya...entry aku mesti banyak gambar jak dari benda yg bikin crta entry. EH? cakap b'belit2. HAH! Sebab tu aku nda pandai taip byk2, nnti merepek b'belit2 jadinya , bikin bengong kepala hotak jak kan. OK, just let the pics do the talking. Talk please. Kfinebai.
