Wednesday, September 14

thank you SBPC ?


 for the "Secret Birthday Present Committee" 
not so secret la... btw, thanks for this teddy although i'm not the type that used teddy bear. 
i appreciate it a lot though. [cm mngolok aq jk tddy ni]
haha...thank u for the present again!

=^,^= okie! adios~  

p/s: kasi hbis la EQ mu tu oiiii....hehek.  :3  


Wednesday, September 7

Superb Night!

waa...baru jak tadi habis party raya ma budak kelas. siok gila!!! TESL G.1 is the best laa... love u all guys!
haha...biarpun cuma 2 org jak lecturer yg dapat datang, it's ok. we still enjoy it. 
makanan banyak gila...suda jemput senior makan sekali pon blum gak habis2 tu mknan. haha^^ nyum2!
bha, nah pic2 budak2 klas yg gila2! =^.^=

hah!!! ptutla kuih raya tu b'kurang! 


snap2 smntara mnggu mknan ...wuuu~ bukan Yuna k, ni kak YANA! ouh bulan....lalala~

nah, serang!!!

peace2 ^^V

kmi la budak 3 sdondon...tema biru~ ^.^

geng karas! eh, ada papa fauzi la d blkg...haha!

we r TESLian family G.1!!! ©


c chicky meal + cermin boy...rmbut lagiii...

t'jgkit style syaza!!! oh no...haha!

diam2 mereka jd DJ....

acece...model of da nyte. stylo Bdon... this pic. so sweeettt ©

bha. thanks to all of u for the great superb night!!! 
really enjoy it ©
hoho...till then, adios!
